Night EyesNight Eyes is a program that has been developed by the Medford Township PoliceDepartment to increase the level of community policing to the business ownersthrough crime prevention activities. Through a partnership between the police andthe business community, opportunities for an individual to commit a crime arereduced through target hardening and the collection of business information.The program is divided into four phases:1. A master business list is compiled. Uniformed patrol officers visit each business and complete a Business Informational Sheet. The sheet is used to collect information such as hours of operation, alarms, and emergency contacts. A 9-1-1 test is conducted to confirm accurate information in the 9-1-1 database.2. A business security survey may be requested by the business owner. A patrol officer will meet with the owner and suggest practical and cost efficient security measures that can be implemented.3.Uniformed patrol officer assigned to Night Watch conduct Night Eyes Inspections. During the inspection, the officers note any deficiencies or weaknesses to the security of the property.4. A uniformed patrol officer will conduct a follow-up with the business owner to discuss simple steps that can be taken to reduce security risks.The program is credited with reducing the number of commercial burglariescommitted in Medford Township. The number of commercial burglaries hasdecreased to the lowest point in a decade.
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